Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Yikes !!! Christmas is coming too fast!!!!

I am stitching like mad trying to finish my granddaughter's needlepoint stocking...once it is stitched, I will block it and finish the embellishments ( ribbons, special stitches I don't want to wet when blocking the piece) and then I will make the cording and finish the lining and the backing...stay tuned for that ...maybe in a week..... Since Christmas is so close to Thanksgiving this year our tree is up and most of the decorations are hanging/sitting/etc.......why not look at them for the next 20 some days..............they are all so pretty and festive!
When planning a stocking for a new born even if you know the gender it still is kinda generic.....you od'nt know their interests yet but it still "fits" 33 years later!!!!

Here is another generic...twenty-seven years later, precious
and still pretty after all these years.

Here is a typical novelty stocking using the person's life interests.
My new son-in-law is from SC, was in the Navy, graduated from college, drove a truck and loves our two
Portuguese Water dogs Dewey and Ozzie. KC also loves to shoot, play golf and bowl.....he's in medical school now but that didn't make the stocking!

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