Monday, September 10, 2012

Wedding things ...lots of fun ideas...wish it could happen every weekend!

White Peonies, White Anemones and White Parrot Tulips and some special hand painted silk butterflies...

Bridesmaids' bouquet wrapped in madras

from  the same madras the guys pants were made from.... 


IF you can find a "plein air" artist in your area this ws the greatest feature during the wedding and reeption. The artist started painting as the ceremony as guest were finding their seats. She painted through most of the reception and added the couples dance title as they danced thier first dance!  The beautiful painting hangs in a place of honor in the couples unforgetable evening forever preserved in such a special way.....

History in the Making.. Darius Rucker

 A wonderful picture of the happy couple was later used as the front of thank you notes...(

Every invitation needs a map of the local area!! (printed online at Office Max Empress  great folks!)

LOTS and LOTS of old license plates!!               SAVE THE DATE!!!!

(   you can design it right on their site AND it is a huge magnet!)

A special frame using jewelry from the great grandmothers stashes....paint or stain a FLAT or mostly flat frame and using 6000e, clip off findings on the backs of the earrings and pins and glue onto frame in a pleasing fashion...a great keepsake! (Phew!!! only grandmas own this kinda stuff...what will we do when THEY are all gone!!)

This was a clear roof tent ... MADE  the event!

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